Well, that's not strictly true. Over the past three days, I've had periods, several-hours-long, of regular, timeable, fairly intense contractions, that abruptly stop. Without a baby. Add into that several people thinking they're being clever by bugging me about having the baby, and it's getting more and more tempting to do it in total secret and tell no one until a week later.
Annoying a woman into labor doesn't work, folks. It also doesn't bode well for her to not lock the doors and refuse to let anyone in the house, including her husband if he's accompanied by anyone's relatives. (He'd understand. I think.)
Introverts, how do they work?
Here's a picture from our Sunday drive:

Taken, obviously, through the windshield, thus the bugs and such. This was on the drive from Helotes to Bandera (though we turned off toward Boerne before hitting Bandera). It was supposed to be a short jaunt to pass a bit of time.
Moral of the story? Let the man who studies map books for fun do the navigating.
I'm having trouble being in the proper frame of mind for Veterans Day. I know a good many, of course, and would like to tell myself I appreciate them on every day.
I mean, I put up with my brother, don't I? (I jest; this is here only 'cause I know he reads my blog.)
Of course, certain liberal Facebook friends have managed to include the President in their "thanks veterans" posts today. Why do I keep them around? It's like a train wreck, that's why.
Anyhow, thanks, guys. And gals. You know who you are.

'Tis Marie's birthday today. We celebrated it on Halloween, because I was thinking I'd have a newborn by now. Shows what I get for thinking. She cares naught for today. The important day to her was the one where she got toys. Typical toddler; also, she is way more into toys than her sisters were at her age.
I hate it when I don't know what to say about something. So go to JayG's blog and get the low-down on the fundraiser going on for Tam. I am never really sure whether it's okay to tell someone who professes no particular faith that you're praying for them, but at this point it's all I've got. I'll get to the money when I can.
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